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Choral Concert

  • Faith Baptist Church 34950 Little Mack Avenue Clinton Township, MI, 48035 United States (map)

Join us for a special concert!

Our ministry is holding a choral clinic for church vocalists this coming weekend. More than 80 singers responded, forming a large festival choir that will present a sacred concert next Sunday, February 2, at 2:00 PM in our auditorium. We have guest clinicians from Bob Jones University leading the rehearsals who will also minister in our 11:00 morning worship service that day. This is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to invite friends and family to our morning service, Faith Family Fellowship meal, and a powerful sacred concert promoting our Triune God.

  • Free admission to the concert

  • Nursery provided

  • Our Faith Music Ministries recently participated in a consortium commissioning Marianne Forman to compose a choral work entitled, TRINITY: Our God of Hope and Help. We are thrilled to conduct a choral clinic this weekend with guest clinicians from Bob Jones University: Dr. Andrew & Stephanie Huish (choir director and accompanist) and Dr. Brandon Ironside (strings director). More than 80 singers responded to the invitation to participate in the clinic on Saturday and then perform the work on Sunday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. 

December 22

Christmas Cantata

April 12

4th Annual Easter Eggstravaganza