Choral Concert

Choral Concert


Join us for a special concert!

Our ministry is holding a choral clinic for church vocalists this coming weekend. More than 80 singers responded, forming a large festival choir that will present a sacred concert next Sunday, February 2, at 2:00 PM in our auditorium. We have guest clinicians from Bob Jones University leading the rehearsals who will also minister in our 11:00 morning worship service that day. This is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to invite friends and family to our morning service, Faith Family Fellowship meal, and a powerful sacred concert promoting our Triune God.

  • Free admission to the concert

  • Nursery provided

  • Our Faith Music Ministries recently participated in a consortium commissioning Marianne Forman to compose a choral work entitled, TRINITY: Our God of Hope and Help. We are thrilled to conduct a choral clinic this weekend with guest clinicians from Bob Jones University: Dr. Andrew & Stephanie Huish (choir director and accompanist) and Dr. Brandon Ironside (strings director). More than 80 singers responded to the invitation to participate in the clinic on Saturday and then perform the work on Sunday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. 

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Christmas Cantata

Christmas Cantata

Experience the Christmas story through the eyes of an innkeeper’s son and a shepherd’s daughter in Promised One, a captivating Christmas cantata featuring choir and drama. This production weaves together a beautiful blend of old, new, and refreshed Christmas songs, paired with poignant storytelling from two unique perspectives. Promised One invites us to reflect on the true meaning of the season. In a time when our thoughts, time, and resources are often consumed by everything but Christ, this cantata serves as a gentle reminder. Don’t miss this opportunity to listen to the Spirit’s call, asking, “But what of Christ?”

This service will take place at its normal time of 11am and the music will be followed by a brieft message from our Pastor. We hope you can make it!

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Christmas Concert - Holloway Men

Christmas Concert - Holloway Men


Kick off December with a memorable Christmas Concert!

Join the Holloway Men for an inspiring Christmas concert at Faith Baptist Church! Celebrate the season with uplifting music, fellowship, and the true spirit of Christmas. Don’t miss this unforgettable time of worship and joy as we honor the birth of Christ through song. All are welcome!

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2024 Fall Ladies Conference    Jesus Never Leaves

2024 Fall Ladies Conference Jesus Never Leaves


We invite you to join us for our 2024 Fall Ladies Conference! Our theme for this year’s conference is “Jesus never leaves.”

We welcome veteran missionary, Ruth Perez as our speaker. Meals are included, and you will have the opportunity to choose from many great breakout session options!

The cost of this event is $25/person which includes the entry fee, meals, and breakout sessions.

You will need to choose your TWO breakout sessions by completing the online form below. To pay for the conference, please click the “REGISTER HERE” button below and it will redirect you to our TicketSpice Page for payment processing.

Registration will take place from 8:15-8:45am.

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2024 Missions Conference
to Oct 16

2024 Missions Conference


“Come and see.”

We invite each of you to be a part of all that we have going on during our annual Missions Conference! We are excited and honored to be hosting the annual meeting for Baptist World Mission. This means we will have the privilege of having dozens of missionary families with us for these few days!

Our theme for this year’s conference is “Come and see” — And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see. John 1:46

SUNDAY 10/13

9:45AM - Sunday School / PCT

11AM - Morning Worship

12:30 - International Dinner (Lunch!)
This meal will take the place of our normal Faith Family Fellowship luncheon; sign up here!

6PM - Evening Worship

Monday 10/14

7:00 Evening Service

Tuesday 10/15

10:00 Missionary fellowship / testimony time in auditorium - open to everyone!

7:00 Evening Service

Wednesday 10/16

9:15 Ladies’ missionary fellowship / testimony time in auditorium - open to all ladies!

7:00 Evening Service

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Historical Presentation - Black Robed Regiment

Historical Presentation - Black Robed Regiment

We want to invite you to a special presentation called "Bringing Back the Black Robed Regiment" by Dan Fisher. This would be an excellent presentation for children, teenagers and adults! You'll find the description and details below. We look forward to seeing you! Feel free to forward this invite to friends and family in the area.

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Baby Dedication

Baby Dedication


We are inviting all of our parents who would like to participate in our Baby Dedication Service to please fill out the form below with your child's name and birthdate. In addition to this information please send a recent photo of your child to for us to display on the screens during the dedication service. Please submit this form on or before Sunday, June 2nd so we are prepared for this special day! 

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Easter Services | 2024

Easter Services | 2024

Easter Sunday is a favorite day at Faith Baptist Church with a unique schedule of events. It is a great day to invite family, friends, and other guests to celebrate the gospel message that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, rose again on the third day, and was seen by hundreds of eye witnesses. The resurrection is the central theme of the message of eternal life in heaven!

Plan to spend your Easter morning with us!

• 8:30am  —  Early service of singing and a message from the Bible*

• 9:15am   —  Breakfast fellowship

• 10:30am —  Main Easter Celebration Service*

The Bible teaches us that the ladies discovered the empty tomb very early in the morning as it began to dawn on the first day of the week. In this spirit, we have our “early” service to remember their dismay that turned to joy and wonder.

The breakfast is provided by our church people and is free of charge. It is a time for our church family to get to know each other better while enjoying a good meal.

Our main service at 10:30 will include a musical program entitled “Come, Walk with Me.” Our choir, soloists, instrumentalists will invite each of us to retrace Christ’s steps from the Triumphal Entry, to the Crucifixion, and to the Resurrection, exhorting us to continue to share this good news as we walk from the church building to the world of people around us.

*Childcare will be available during the two Sunday services in our fully-secure nurseries

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Faith Family Fun Night

Faith Family Fun Night



FBC is so excited to invite each of our families to take part in Family Game Night on Sunday, March 24th, from 5-7pm.

We ask that each family bring a finger food to share, and we will play games together in the Auditorium to build family unity and make fun-filled memories!


5pm - Opening from Pastor

5:15pm - Team games in Auditorium 

6:15pm - Finger foods in Fellowship Hall

6:45pm - Challenge from Pastor and winning team announced

7pm - Dismissal

We can’t wait to see you there!

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3rd Annual Easter Eggstravaganza

3rd Annual Easter Eggstravaganza


We cordially invite you to join us for our 3rd Annual Easter Eggstravaganza taking place on Saturday, March 16th from 10am-12pm!

Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us that: “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” What better way to prepare our hearts for the celebration of our risen Savior as we look to Easter, than to celebrate this season of spring and the renewal that comes with it after the dead of winter!

We will have lots of fun activities taking place, and children will have the opportunity to collect eggs and exchange them for fun prizes and candy. This is a FREE event and we would love to have you join in! Registration is not required, but having an accurate count always helps, so feel free to let us know that you’re coming here.

The Eggstravaganza will take place indoors, and will have inflatable activities, balloon twisting, face painting, games, refreshments, and more!

We ask that all families bring a bag or basket for your child(ren) to collect eggs in, as we will not be providing them.

We hope to see you there!


Anyone interested in volunteering can sign up by visiting our online volunteer signup form using the button below.

Check out photos from last year!

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Widow's Christmas Luncheon

Widow's Christmas Luncheon


We invite each of our widows and widowers to a special Christmas luncheon that is just for you! This luncheon will take place in the Fellowship Hall and will include a wonderful time of Christmas songs being performed by our students.

Be sure to sign up in OneStop, if interested!

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Candlelight Service

Candlelight Service


Our annual candlelight service is a special family time of singing carols together and reflecting again on our Savior’s birth. A couple of highlights of this service are when Pastor Berlin invites the children to gather on the platform for him to read the Christmas story to them, and when we light our individual candles and sing “Silent Night” before dismissing.


Several years back we started incorporating a memorial wreath ceremony where loved ones can honor someone they lost by tying a ribbon to the wreath. This year we will be having our families hang a commemorative ornament on our memorial tree.

If you have a loved one that you wish to honor this Christmas at our candlelight service, please complete the form linked below. Please note, there will be one family ornament per loved one, and this ornament will be provided by the church. You will need to pick it up in the Community Room before heading into the service. 

In addition to the placing of the ornaments, we will also have a slideshow playing on the screens with photos of the loved ones being honored. Please submit your photo to Charmaine no later than 12/10; her email is

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Youth Pancakes & Pajamas

Youth Pancakes & Pajamas


There is nothing quite like waking up on Christmas morning! The air is crisp, presents are under the tree just for you and your family, and the festivities begin with the reading of the Christmas story from Luke 2.

Our youth group Christmas party will take place on Sunday, December 10, beginning at 5 PM! The theme this year is based off of the joy of Christmas morning and is entitled, “Pancakes and Pajamas”. All of our students are encouraged to wear their loose-fitting Christmas pajama bottoms and to bring a gift of $10 or less to exchange.

The church will be providing pancakes, and you can follow the link below to sign up to bring another breakfast item for the entire youth group to share.

We hope to see you there!

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Thanksgiving Dinner & Service

Thanksgiving Dinner & Service


“O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” Psalm 107:1)


We hope that you can join us as we celebrate all that God has done in our lives and congregation this past year! We will be having a potluck Thanksgiving dinner, followed by a praise service. As a gift to our church family, Pastor and Michelle will be providing all the turkey, all others are encouraged to bring a side dish to pass.

Please visit One Stop this Sunday to sign up so we can be preparing adequate amounts of turkey for this meal! We want to remind you that while this event typically takes place on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, we will actually be holding it on the Monday before Thanksgiving due to schedule conflicts.

Let's go through this "Thanksgiving" month with hearts that are truly grateful to God for WHO HE IS, not simply for the blessings He has given us.

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Troy Metro Symphony Orchestra

Troy Metro Symphony Orchestra

We invite you all to join us as we host the Troy Metro Symphony Orchestra in our church auditorium on November 3 at 7:00 PM!  This is a free event, and no registration is required so feel free to show up the night of the event. We will also be hearing a gospel message from our very own Pastor Abberger so don’t miss out!

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Faith Family Fellowship

Faith Family Fellowship



Instead of our normal Faith Family Fellowship event on this date, we will be having the International Dinner immediately following the morning service. Our “evening” service will be held once our luncheon is completed, rather than it’s normally scheduled time of 6pm. Please check the counter in OneStop for the meal signup sheets.

We can’t wait to see you there!

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2023 Fall Ladies Conference | Harvesting Gratitude

2023 Fall Ladies Conference | Harvesting Gratitude




To register, please contact the church office (586.775.1760), and plan to choose your breakout sessions the morning of the event.

What better time to focus our minds on gratitude than in autumn as we lead up to Thanksgiving and the upcoming holiday season?!

We invite you to join us for our 2023 Fall Ladies Conference! Our theme for this year’s conference is “Harvesting Gratitude,” with a special message from our guest speaker, Fauna Holloway.

The cost of this event is $20/person which includes the entry fee, meals, and breakout sessions.

You will need to choose your TWO breakout sessions by completing the online form below. To pay for the conference, please click the “PAY HERE” button below and it will redirect you to our TicketSpice Page for payment processing.

Registration will take place from 8:15-8:45am.

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2023 Missions Conference
to Oct 29

2023 Missions Conference



We invite each of you to be a part of all that we have going on throughout this month’s Mission’s Conference! Our theme for this year’s conference is “Sending Forth Laborers” — “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:38


9:45AM - Sunday School

  • Cynthia Peterson will teach the Ladies’ Sunday School class in the Community Room

  • Tim Peterson will teach the teens in the Teen Room

11AM - Morning Worship

  • Tim Peterson will present his field of ministry

  • Pastor Berlin will preach

6PM - Evening Worship

  • Tim Peterson will preach


9:45AM - Sunday School

  • Practical Christian Training as usual

11AM - Morning Worship

  • Matt Abberger will preach

6PM - Evening Worship

  • Pastor Berlin will preach

SUNDAY 10/15

No missionary speaker - this service will still be focused on missions

SUNDAY 10/22

We will be focusing on Faith Promise commitments this week. We will also hear from Don Vanderhoof

SUNDAY 10/29

9:45AM - Sunday School

  • Practical Christian Training as usual

11AM - Morning Worship

  • Pastor Berlin will preach

12:30PM - International Dinner

  • This meal will take the place of our normal Faith Family Fellowship luncheon; please see OneStop for the meal signup

1:30PM - We will have our last service of the day immediately following the International Dinner

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Craft Fair | Cars For A Cause

Craft Fair | Cars For A Cause

We’ve got something for the whole family!

We’ve got more than just classic cars!

We hope that you stop by for the craft fair that we will be hosting during the classic car show event! Admission into the event is FREE and we will have a variety of vendors for you to shop from. Since this is a family event, we will be allowing strollers to make shopping easier for all of our moms with little ones!

Also happening on our campus during the event:

"Cars For A Cause" Classic Car Show




Activities for kids: caricature drawings, face painting, bounce houses, games, etc.

Trophies, door prizes, giveaways, and more!

We hope to see you there!


Thank you very much for your interest in our "Cars For A Cause" Craft Fair! We are very much looking forward to another successful show, and are excited that you have chosen to partner with us in making this next one our best show yet!

Pricing for the craft fair is $40 for a 5x8 ft. space, however you choose to fill it. Tables are limited and are first come, first serve. You will need to indicate on your registration how many spaces you wish to purchase.

Being a juried craft fair, all interested vendors will be required to submit pictures of their work before completing our online registration. We also limit all MLMs to one table per business so as not to compete with other selling the same brand. (This only applies to MLMs, not crafters.) Any vendors promoting or selling items relating to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or tobacco-related products, or profanity are prohibited as this is a family friendly event on church grounds.

Once your work has been submitted and considered, an email will be sent to you letting you know whether or not you have been approved, and a link to our online registration through TicketSpice will be sent within the email. All payments MUST go through TickSpice; we do not accept cash or check.

Vendors may request a specific spot (near an electrical outlet, next to another vendor, etc.); however, no requests are guaranteed, and swapping spaces with a different vendor will not be permitted. Requesting electrical access for your setup should be mentioned when submitting your pictures to the juror; however, please keep in mind that only a certain number of outlets are available so we cannot guarantee access, and access is first come, first serve. All power cords and extension cords are to be provided by the vendor.

Vendors who cancel before 07/15/23 will be given a partial refund of 50% off the total rental fee. Vendors who cancel after 07/15, or who fail to show up to the event, will NOT be refunded. If you are unable to attend, please let us know by emailing us.

An email with details pertaining to parking, setting up, etc. will be sent to your provided email account in the weeks leading up to the event. (Please be sure to check your junk/spam folders, as many email hosts block our emails since they are coming from a business address.)


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Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser

Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser

Save the date and save your appetite!


We are excited to announce that Little Leaders Academy will be having a pancake breakfast fundraiser on Sunday, May 21st in order to raise funds for their music program, and specifically a new Kindermusik curriculum for the preschoolers! The breakfast will be held in the Fellowship Hall of our church from 8-9:45am (before our Sunday school and morning service times).

Additionally, they will be showing off the musical talents of the students in Jungle, Desert, and Ocean rooms during the "Special Music" slot of our morning service the same day! Little Leaders Academy receives a great deal of support from our church and we can't wait for you to see a sampling of what their children have learned in their music classes this year. This is also a wonderful opportunity for our daycare families to visit the church and be greeted by our church families!

The breakfast is a free-will donation, with a $5 donation encouraged. We will have pancakes, sausage, bacon, fruit, baked goods, and coffee/juice/water.

We hope to see you there!

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Easter Sunday Services

Easter Sunday Services

Come Worship With Us!


We hope that you are able to join us for each of our Easter services; the specific times are as follows:

  • 8:30am--Early Service

  • 9:15am--Easter Fellowship Breakfast (Please sign up in OneStop if you plan to attend)

  • 10:30am--Easter Cantata Service: "In His Hands"

*Please note that we will not be having our normal 6pm service that evening.

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Easter "Egg"stravaganza!

Easter "Egg"stravaganza!



Our second annual Easter Eggstravaganza will be taking place on Saturday, April 1st at 10am!

We will have "Minute To Win It" style games, a bounce house, face painting, guessing jars, real bunnies to pet, prizes, and of course, an egg hunt! The children will also receive a special Easter message from our very own Pastor Berlin!

This FREE event will take place down in the church end of our campus, so please be sure to park down on the western-most end of our parking lot and enter through the main doors (near the flagpoles). Please remember to bring a bag or bucket for your child(ren) to place collected eggs into.

If you or someone you know is interested in donating candy for the event, please fill out the volunteer sign-up form using the button below, and arrangements will be made for the donated items to be dropped off. All are welcome to help out--we hope to see you there!

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